Home Improvement

How To Prevent Troubles Caused By Rats


Are you stuck with rat problems? Do you find rats causing a lot of trouble for you? Do you find rats wandering around your toilet or climbing drainpipes now and then?

It is a prevalent issue met by a lot of households. Rats create a lot of disturbance and destroy essential items and documents. Are you trying to find ways to get rid of rats from your home? You are at the right place! We will discuss different rat prevention measures and remedies to achieve a peaceful and organised house.

If you start to notice rats in your house’s toilet at different day intervals, it is essential to take action against them. You should not take the matter lightly. Rats are small but dangerous, and they will tear down a lot of crucial things and can block drains. Also, they carry many infectious parasites that can vitally affect the human body if there is any direct medium of contact.

How To Prevent Rats In The Toilet

Rats generally invade any area in search of food. If you remove everything consumable from that area, half of the problem will be solved instantly. The same goes for toilets too. Measures that we can take to stop the invasion of rats in toilets are as follows:

  • The first step you can take is not to leave any food residue in toilet dustbins or flush any leftovers down the toilet, and it will create an attraction for the rats.
  • You can keep your toilets clean and dry so that the rats do not try to settle down in any part of the bathroom. 
  • Rats tend to stay in humid, swampy, and dark places. Therefore, cleaning every corner of the toilet is necessary to prevent rats in bathrooms.

How To Stop Rats Climbing Drain Pipes

Rats love to stay in places where the availability of food and water is secure. They can enter your drainage or sewer pipes by smelling food in your residential buildings. As rats generally stay in cracks and holes of the ground, drain pipes are an easy target for them. There are many ways to stop rats from climbing drainpipes; some of them are:

  • Firstly, you should make sure that your house’s pipes are rodent-proof so that you are safe from pipe leakage.
  • Never flush a rat if you see one in your toilet bowl. The rat can die by drowning inside the pipe and blocking it. You may also have to call pest controls or a plumber in that case, which may create another complication.
  • Always check for possible entrances for rats and install rat guards or non-return valves at the end of the drainage pipes, leaving no way for the rats to enter.
  • Not only drainage pipes, but rats can also have access to ventilation pipes. You can shut the opening of the ventilation pipes with metal mesh sheets, which will not hamper the ventilation of the household yet prevent rats and other pests.
  • Also, you can install rat traps in different parts of your house with some food to attract them. It is not too convenient yet effective to remove rats from any place.


Rats are a common problem that comes with productive solutions. You can try different methods to prevent rats in toilets and stop rats from climbing drain pipes. 

Some are permanent solutions, and some are temporary, but they are equally effective. Cleaning and inspecting your surroundings add to the preventive measures.

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