
Raccoons In Your Garden? Get Rid Of Them Today!


Raccoons often appear as cute-looking animals, but they can be a nighttime nuisance. They usually eat chickens and garden greens and can destroy all your efforts to create a pretty lawn. While raccoons in San Antonio are not harmful, you certainly do not want them in your garden, destroying them. 

There are some methods to get rid of raccoons from your garden. However, these only work when you apply them correctly. Moreover, you might have to switch up the methods and try multiple at once for them to work. To get rid of these nocturnal animals from your property, the best solution is to call San Antonio pest control services. 

Tips to get rid of raccoons from your garden 

  • Use crushed red pepper. 

Raccoons are not big fans of spicy smells and tastes. Therefore, using crushed red pepper to prevent them works quite well. After all, you, too, would not go to a place if you do not like its smell. Simply sprinkle some crushed pepper or red pepper powder in your garden and watch these bushy creatures never return. The same ingredient is also effective in keeping away squirrels. 

  • Build a good fence. 

Building a good fence around your garden will make it difficult for raccoons to climb up and enter your garden. However, these animals are intelligent and clever; they will try their best to make their way into your garden and even try hacks. Therefore, make sure you leave no stone unturned when fencing your garden. You may need to install an electric fence. 

  • Epsom salt sprinkle.

Another smell that raccoons absolutely dislike is that of Epsom salt. For the method to work effectively, sprinkle Epsom salt both inside your garden and surrounding its boundary. Raccoons will not be near the smell and will keep a safe distance from it. 

  • Geraniums. 

Growing geraniums in your garden is a great way of making it look prettier, as well as avoiding pesky invaders like raccoons and trash pandas. Just plant a couple of rows of hardy geraniums and watch the raccoons never come back to destroy your garden. 

However, make sure the flowers are cranesbill and not tender geraniums. The latter may look similar to cranesbill but are entirely ineffective in preventing invaders. 

  • Remove food sources. 

If you have food sources near your garden, such as open trash cans, make sure you keep the food items hidden. Close the trash can’s lid tightly and keep the garbage inside if possible. Lock the door to your kitchen and remove bird seed from your garden. 

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