
6 Creative Ways to Build an Ideal Study Station for Your Child


It can be challenging to create an ideal study station. Moreso if you want to teach your kids independence and let them do their homework on their own.

For one, there is no one-size-fits-all solution in providing your child with a study space. Nonetheless, the study area should be comfortable and conducive enough to encourage him to get things done.

What your kids need is an environment that can help them develop a learning mindset. Thus, here are six tips that can help you create an ideal study station for your child:

Consider Your Child’s Needs

No two kids are the same. Some kids prefer to study in solitude, while some are okay with a group or physical activity. Hence, you should consider their needs.

Better yet, let them choose where they want to study and decorate their study station.

If your child prefers to study alone, set his study area in an out-of-way spot or a room. For those who like a busy atmosphere, consider setting up the study area in the living room.

That way, your child is in an active environment without hindering any family thoroughfare.

Get Rid of Unnecessary Distractions

Just because your kid prefers an active environment does not mean you can let him do his homework in front of the TV. Or that you can play deafening music.

As much as possible, your child’s study station should be free of distraction. This includes turning off the TV when your kids are studying. Instead, you can play lo-fi music or ambient sound during their study hours.

You can also set up an app or software on their phone and desktop to prevent them from browsing unnecessary websites. Doing so ensures that your kids can focus on their school work.

Ensure Enough Comfort

When we say comfort, we do not mean cushions and snacks everywhere.

Use a well-structured table and cushioned chair with a backrest. That way, your child can sit properly and do this homework with ease.

Another thing you should consider is ergonomics. For instance, it is recommended that your child’s study table should be waist height. When he sits down, he should be able to rest his elbows on the table without hunching. He should also be able to put his feet flat on the floor.

If your child uses a desktop PC, place the monitor at least 18 inches away and install an anti-glare screen.

Have Proper Lighting

Aside from a comfortable study area, you should also ensure that the place is well-lighted.

Ideally, your kid’s study space should be near a window. That way, he can work with natural light. Otherwise, install a LED light to make the room bright when needed.

Having a lampshade on your kid’s study table can also be helpful. Doing so ensures that he can still do his homework at night.

However, encourage your child to get enough quality sleep. All the studying will be worthless if he cannot concentrate at school due to lack of sleep.

Stock Up on Supplies

Observe what supplies your child often searches for. And then ensure that you always stock up on them and that they are within reach.

Doing so allows your child to spend that time studying instead of looking for his school stuff.

Keep the Study Area Clean

The drawback of stocking up with school supplies is that it can get messy. As such, you should also instill upon your kid the habit of keeping their study area clean.

This is also what we let our clients at Maid Sailors Maid Service NYC know. After all, we know how clutter can distract and prevent a child from concentrating on his homework.

That said, you should encourage your kid to clean his study station regularly.


Getting your kids to study on their own and finish their homework can be tricky.

Plus, we now live in a time and age where distractions are everywhere. We are talking about television, the internet, and mobile devices. As such, you have to create a place where they can study without distraction.

And the tips listed above can help you do that. So, turn a space into a study area and let your child do his homework better and more comfortably.

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